AIA Europe
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International Union of Architects Elects Thomas Vonier as New Secretary General

As previously reported via Twitter, during its August 2014 World Congress and General Assembly in Durban, South Africa, the International Union of Architects (UIA) named US architect Thomas Vonier FAIA as its Secretary General.
He will head up operations for the Paris-based organization in a three year term. Vonier called his election “a mandate for the UIA to gain greater influence in global policies on urbanization, development, and resources.” He plans to streamline UIA governance, improve its communications, and expand its reach.

Established in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1948, the UIA is recognized as a non-governmental organization by the United Nations. It works on matters of professional and public interest through three permanent commissions and various work programs. With member sections from 136 countries, the UIA represents more than 1.6 million architects worldwide. It is chartered to unite architects internationally, without regard to nationality, ethnicity, or political viewpoint.

Vonier runs a consulting practice in Paris and Washington DC. He is an elected national vice president of the American Institute of Architects.

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