Following the commitments of the 2007 Brussels Conference and Chapter Meeting, AIACE Chapter President Karl Hartnack, AIA and President-elect Steve Scamihorn, AIA organized a (not-quite-then committee) meeting to discuss the 2008 Athens Conference. Coinciding with the Turin, Italy section event, Elias Messinas, Int’l. Assoc. AIA, (Athens Conference Chair) traveled from Greece to present his plan for the 2008 Chapter Meeting and Conference.
While a quorum was not quite achieved, five Board members and the International Committee Chair attended, plus a number of chapter members.
The trip was certainly not all work and no play, thanks in no small part to the Turin event organizer Giuliana Barbano, Int’l. Assoc. AIA and our generous host of the meeting, Dante Salmè, Int’l. Assoc. AIA.
Labels: event, italy, meeting, minutes