AIA Europe
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Italy event

Steve Scamihorn, AIA notes that the city of Como, Italy, is planning events to mark the 100th birthday of Giuseppe Terragni. A web site (not yet active) — — will announce events for later in the year. The opening day program follows:

Sunday, 18 April 2004

10h00 — Guided tours of Terragni's buildings (Casa del Fascio, Asilo Sant'Elia, Novocomum, Giuliani Frigerio, Casa Pedraglio, Casa del Floricultore, Case via Anzani, Monumento ai caduti)

12h00 — Presentation by Daniel Libeskind, Villa Erba (Cernobbio)

15h00 — opening of GT04 information center — G. Terragni international competition

17.00 — Inauguration of the "Terragni European architect" exhibit and presentation

18h30 — Conference by Paolo Portoghesi, Casa del Fascio

20h30 — Official opening of the manifestations at the Teatro Sociale — “Homage to Terragni” — Piccolo Teatro of Milan

22h30 — Illumination and projections, Casa del Fascio and Piazza del Popolo — Opening of multi-media exhibit in the Casa del Fascio
For more information, contact ElleCi Studio, Segreteria del Comitato Nazionale:

tel: 031.301037
fax: 031.299028